--------------------------------------------------- F O N T F A C E --------------------------------------------------- original font congrats! you have a totally free font direct from www.fontface.com ... this font is completely free for your personal use. make signs, plaster it on your gramma's forehead, eat it, spray paint it, put it between some bread with a dill pickle. this font is good for just about anything you wish. just one favor. let me know before you pass it along. i wanna know where this thing has been, and where it's going. oh! and don't forget to attatch this readme with the font when you share it. this font is an original FontFace font made from a character set submitted by Kara Whitlock. if for any reason you want to contact her, her web address is www.karaspage.com ... thanks for the great idea, Kara! she says that this was inspired by the kind of writing that every one used in 7th grade. it was the 7th Fad! you got this file from FontFace... come see us at http://www.fontface.com/ - we're your one stop for everything freeware and shareware fonts. thanks. steve ([email protected]) -- www.fontface.com