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Borg font


NOTES ON StarTrek(tm) Borg by tommy of escondido 1-19-98 This is the Borg seen on various episodes and the movie First Contact. Borg is written downward, upward, leftward or rightward! There is no translation of the symbols. Do NOT think that a symbol means A just because the key is "A". I only put them in the order that is convienent for me while I am fonting. The numbers ARE numbers, but I do not know which is which. The punctuation is not punctuation, but control console icons which may also have a meaning in the language. The WRI file does contain a sample of how Borg has been seen written. Furthermore, I have seen that each of the alpha numerics can be used rotated 180 degrees "upsidedown". I don't claim that this font is complete or accurate - Paramount is always changing things. If you should come across any missing/new letters, punctuation, or the numbering system from canon sources, please post several notices on the internet usegroups ALT.BINARIES.STARTREK and ALT.STARTREK. [it may take several times to get my attention!] This is distributed as charityware. If you find it worthwhile, please give a little more than usual to charities such as the Salvation Army or United Way - or others the next time you have a chance.

Borg Normal
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("") format("woff"),
    url("") format("opentype"),
    url("") format("truetype");