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Chess Marroquin font

TrueType Font CHESS MARROQUIN Update: August 8, 1998. I designed this font to create diagrams of chess problems (chek mates) for children. It was elaborated in the "Colegio La Salle de San Cristobal" (La Salle School of San Cristobal), located in the State of Chiapas, in the south of Mexico. I used Corel Draw 3.0 to make the figurines and Corel Draw 7.0 to export them to the TTF format. You can use them freely (is freeware). If you want to repay us, you can send us some other fonts for creating chess diagrams (we are collecting them). Your comments and suggestions would be welcome; please send them to either of the address that appear below. Files in MARRO_TT.ZIP: LEEME__M.TXT This file in English language. README_M.TXT This file. MARRFONT.TTF CHESS MARROQUIN font - Ver. 2.0 CHESMARR.DOC Sample and keymap. The font should be installed in Windows, like any other TTF font, in the usual way. It will work to make chess diagrams and figurine notation in any program run under Windows. The file CHESMARR.DOC which accompanies this file is made in the Word 6.0 program, contain a sample of the creation of diagrams in a word processor and a keymap of the font. You will not see these characters until the CHESS MARROQUIN font is installed in your computer. The distribution of the figures in the keyboard is as follows: DIAGRAM BORDERS: SINGLE DOUBLE EXTRA * Top left corner 1 ! or 033 a - A Top border 2 " 034 Top right corner 3 # 035 s - S Left border 4 $ 036 Right border 5 % 037 Bottom left corner 7 / 047 d - D Bottom border 8 ( 040 Bottom right corner 9 ) 041 f - F BOARD POSITION ASSIGNMENTS: WHITE SQUARE DARK SQUARE Squares [space] or * 042 + 043 White pawn p P Black pawn o O White knight n N Black knight m M White bishop b B Black bishop v V White rook r R Black rook t T White queen q Q Black queen w W White king k K Black king l L * The EXTRA keys contain round corners. The keys (x), (X), (.), and (:) contain auxiliary symbols to indicate individual movements of the pieces. NOTE: Also you find borders with the coordinates of chessboard. For simple borders, type the ASCII codes from 0192 to 0207, and for double borders from 0224 to 0239. Don't forget to type [Alt] and the ZERO which goes with each code to generate these characters. The figurine notation pieces are in the ASCII codes from 0162 to 0167. I recommend you to print the .DOC file and see the complete keymap. ************** Thanks a lot to: ERIC BENTZEN HANS BODLAENDER SETEPHANE MOUCHEL for the space to my fonts in their web sites.

Chess Marroquin Regular
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