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Chess Miscel font

Armando Hernandez Marroquin

True Type Font: CHESS MISCEL The Chess Miscel font contains a miscellaneous assortment of figures for use as clipart or vignettes in chess publications. All chess friends can use them freely. The FIDE logotype should only be used in FIDE authorized publications. With this file, you should find: MISCHESS.TTF MISCEL.DOC LEEME.TXT README.TXT The .DOC file is made in Word 6.0, it has a list of the figures which form the font, and the distribution of the figures in the keyboard. These figures cannot be seen until the Chess Miscel font is installed in your computer. The font should be installed in Windows, like any other TTF font, in the ususal way. I designed this font totally in Corel Draw 3.0 in the "Colegio La Salle de San Cristobal" (La Salle School of San Cristobal), located in the south of Mexico. If it has been useful for you and you feel so inclined you can send us chess fonts (we are collecting them). Your comments and suggestions would be welcome; please send them to either of these addresses: CIRCULO LASALLISTA DE AJEDREZ Apartado Postal 168 San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas. 29200 MEXICO E-mail: [email protected] ARMANDO HERNANDEZ MARROQUIN E-mail: [email protected] ------------------------------ --------------------------

Fuente True Type: CHESS MISCEL La fuente Chess Miscel contiene un surtido miscel

Chess Miscel Regular
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("") format("woff"),
    url("") format("opentype"),
    url("") format("truetype");