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D'ni Script Angular font

All things D'ni

D'ni Script Standard 2.2 - What's new? --------------------------------------- 01.10.2000 -Corrected the blue color symbol in all three fonts - I forgot the dot in the center! Many thanks to ~Brad~ ([email protected]) for informing me. -on a side note: I got my hands on an old version of Macromedia Fontographer (version 4.1), and it crashes when loading any of the D'ni fonts. Apparently there are some faults in the encoding of the TTF files. On a few systems, Windows won't allow to install them because of that. Luckily, the fonts seem to work on most machines nevertheless. I'll see what I can do fix this problem. 25.07.2000 -Corrected the structure of the Moiety dagger and the number symbols -Internet Explorer didn't display the symbols that are mapped to the extended letters such as

D'ni Script Angular Regular
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("'NI_ANG.TTF") format("woff"),
    url("'NI_ANG.TTF") format("opentype"),
    url("'NI_ANG.TTF") format("truetype");