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fab Chiocciole font

FAB - E-mail: [email protected]

The fonts contained in this archive are Freeware. No payment is required for the use of these fonts. They're free! Commercial use? Sure, but a donation or a product sample would be appreciated. $10 US is the usual amount per font for commercial use but any amount is appreciated. If you'd like to make a donation I'd be more than happy to accept it. No donation is too small! Music and artwork are good too. If you have some CD's you're not listening to anymore, send 'em along! Send anything at all to Fab studio S. Stat. dei Giovi, 40 22072 Fino Mornasco (Como) Italy E-mail: [email protected] If you decide to send a cheque (that's how we spell it in Italy) make it payable to Fabrizio Bellanca. Canadian or US funds? Any funds are fine with me. Whatever's easy for you.

fab Chiocciole Regular
<style type="text/css">
    src:url(" chiocciole.ttf") format("woff"),
    url(" chiocciole.ttf") format("opentype"),
    url(" chiocciole.ttf") format("truetype");