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Gravity UltraLight Italic font

Vincenzo Vuono - Website: - E-mail: [email protected]
Gravity is a typographic experiment, born from the desire to deepen my knowledge about this discipline.
Gravity is also a new geometric sans serif typeface designed with balance and large counters.
The typeface uses the "gravity" as a distinctive, functional and aesthetic feature of the font. It is going
to be used as official font by "Accademia di Belle Arti Palermo".
Today, Gravity is a family composed by 4 weights: Book, Bold, Light and UltraLight and their italic versions.

Gravity is also my first typeface. Hope you enjoy!
Take a minute to appreciate it, if you like. Thank you very much!
Gravity UltraLight Italic UltraLight Italic
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("") format("woff"),
    url("") format("opentype"),
    url("") format("truetype");