Helloween TTF - Copyright GemFonts 98 This font was created from clipart* for the purpose of importing into a 3D package. It can be used as a font but is only suitable in fairly large text sizes. Keyboard is 1 - 3 and A - Z Being Australian, I don't follow, or have, Halloween, so if you think this font is not faithful to the image of Halloween, don't complain to me. Plus some of the clipart was of low quality, giving a low quality character. This font is Testware, in that you can use it free of charge (non commercial purposes only) without getting permission. This zipfile must be kept intact, without alterations, if being transferred via Disk, email, internet, or any other media. It can be made available for downloading from website. GemFonts 98 - [email protected] http://members.tripod.com/grimbo2/gemfont.htm * This clipart not being the creation of the font developer. PERMISSION TO USE IS ONLY GIVEN IF:- A - ZIPFILE IS KEPT INTACT, NO REMOVALS OR ALTERATIONS B - USED FOR PLEASURE, NOT FINANCIAL GAIN C - NOT INCLUDED IN COMPILATION CD's, COMMERCIAL OR SHAREWARE.