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knots font

a tip of the hat to you and yours, and thank you for downloading "knots," another freeware clipfont from the folks at ecf. ----------------------------------------------------- got no spots, and a leopard's a kitty, got no pots, and a kitchen's a pity, got no dots, and a polka's a ditty, got no knots, and my shoes fall off.... ----------------------------------------------------- "knots" is a windows95/macintosh truetype font digitized from a collection of public domain woodcuts in december of 1998 by steven j. lundeen, emerald city fontwerks, seattle, washington, usa. please note: this clipfont has been made available as freeware, and no restrictions have been placed on its distribution or use. enjoy. ------- "knots," an ecf freeware clipfont ------- the font author has included this readme file because it contains ***essential*** "knots" information ... which users may find most helpful as they struggle to free themselves.... ---ESSENTIAL "knots" INFORMATION--- a/A/1/! - wall-knot b/B/2/@ - wall-and-crown-knot c/C/3/# - double-wall-and-double-crown-knot d/D/4/$ - single matthew walker's-knot, begun e/E/5/% - single matthew walker's-knot, finished f/F/6/^ - double matthew walker's-knot, begun g/G/7/& - double matthew walker's-knot, finished h/H/8/* - lanyard-knot, begun i/I/9/( - lanyard-knot, finished j/J/0/) - spritsail-sheet-knot k/K - figure-of-eight, or german-knot, linking also:

knots Regular
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("") format("woff"),
    url("") format("opentype"),
    url("") format("truetype");