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LondonMM font

Fran - Website: - E-mail: [email protected]

ReadMe (well, if you feel like) Here are some fonts I made up. Hope you like them, and if you happenned to use it I'd be just pleased with it. Also I appreciate any feedback, any critics, don't be too rude is all... For those really curious, here is what I had in mind creating these fonts. SoleaMM was my first attempt to make a complete font, and I as feared the process to be too simple I decided to start it MultipleMaster. Good trick, it was NOT too simple. The starting idea was to catch the simplicity and modern/antique feeling of some Roman grafitti (maybe from Pompei) I once saw in a book. This kind of starting idea usually lead to a result with a completely different feeling, which is the case here. Though, I like the font, especialy for big short headlines, used wide-spaced. Brouss is a quick'n'dirty'n'happy brush work. LondonMM tries to be both humanistic and geometrical, and probably fails in both. It should be usable, though, at least if I was better at fine-tuning the kernings... LambadaDexter is the only font I ever get paid to design! So I can claim to be a pro! Gee! If you find it cartoony, no wonder, it was for a french cartoon network. Fonitek is intended for kidsbooks, but if you feel like using it for a Wittgenstein reprint, you're the boss.

LondonMM Regular
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("") format("woff"),
    url("") format("opentype"),
    url("") format("truetype");