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LT Nutshell Library font

LT Nutshell Library TrueType Font By Lauren Thompson of the Nymphont Foundry Inspired by the "Nutshell Library," a book series by Maurice Sendak. For more free fonts by me visit: Terms & Conditions of Use: 1.) LT Nutshell Library is completely free for personal use* and may not be used commercially**. I would love to see what you have created using this font, so if you want to, send me an email and show me! (That's a request not a requirement by the way) 2.) The distribution of this font for financial gain or profit is not permitted under any circumstances and is strictly prohibited. 3.) Do not add this font to a font CD or compilation or archive that is to be sold for a profit. Basically, don't be a *#@*!%. Don't sell this font... It's free for personal use. 4.) *Personal use; however, does not mean "public domain." LT Nutshell Library may not be altered or used to make new/derivative fonts. But I'm pretty sure most font designers don't need to use someone else's work in such a manner, they can design their own. **If you are interested in using LT Nutshell Library within business or commercial endeavors or otherwise outside the realm of "personal use," Contact me, Lauren Thompson, [email protected] for information on obtaining a liscence to use LT Nutshell Library commercially.. What can I say I really love to font! If you've got it, font it! Moving right along, I hope you enjoy this font. Let me know what you think by dropping me a line at [email protected]. Stay tuned, The Nymphont Foundry website will make it's debut shortly at:

LT Nutshell Library Regular
<style type="text/css">
    src:url(" Nutshell Library.ttf") format("woff"),
    url(" Nutshell Library.ttf") format("opentype"),
    url(" Nutshell Library.ttf") format("truetype");