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Medieval Sharp Bold Oblique font

Wojciech Kalinowski - E-mail: [email protected]
This is another of my old fonts used to inscriptions in stone. I created the MedievalSharp font about 14-15 years ago (like other fonts - when I started doing the inscriptions on stone professionally). It's based on gothic letters. Initially the font contained only capitals and digits. Later I made missing small letters and some basical signs. Now the font is updated (14.05.2011) - I fixed some bugs and added kerning table. Redesigned 30.06.2011 - improved all glyphs, removed unnecessary points, redesigned some glyphs, and added some new (Irish and Welsh).
Medieval Sharp Bold Oblique Bold Oblique
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("") format("woff"),
    url("") format("opentype"),
    url("") format("truetype");