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Megalomania Italic font

Hydro 74

theGESTAPO FONT COLLECTION | 004 PROPAGANDA FONT 1 ---------------------------------------------------- You have downloaded a font created by theGESTAPO. there are rules that you must obide by or you will suffer greatly. loyality is rewarded. 1. The fonts is only to be download from approved GESTAPO factions. any place else, you will suffer the wrath of theGESTAPO. 2. Font my only be used for non-commercial projects, or limited editions of runs in commercial projects. Major Corp. cannot use theGESTAPO collection unless rights are paid for in full 3. You may obtain the full character set for 30 unmarked dollars. Contact theGESTAPO for further information. 4. If you read this txt file, we know own you. Propaganda phase 1 had been processed. theGestapo is your new level of tyrannical design. We are bigger that you think, we are more powerful that you think, we ARE!. YOU HAVE BEEN ISSUED. THE GESTAPO CORP. | WORLD HEADQUARTERS http://www.theGESTAPO.COM . PROCESSING SHORTLY contact info: the address you desire is a untracible account set up to deal with your questions. Until further notice, this address will be the contact address you start will to proceed, purchase or obtain any other information on theGESTAPO --------------------------------------------------- [email protected] --------------------------------------------------- (C) 2002 theGESTAPO ALL FONTS CREATED BY JOSHUA SMITH

Megalomania Italic Italic
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("") format("woff"),
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