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MMBNThin Regular font


The FontStruction “MMBNThin” ( by “Metroid345” is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike license (

The font file in this archive was created using Fontstruct the free, online font-building tool from FontShop International. This font was created by “Metroid345”. This font has a homepage where this archive and other versions may be found: Try Fontstruct at It’s easy and it’s fun. NOTE FOR FLASH USERS: Fontstruct fonts (fontstructions) are optimized for Flash. If the font in this archive is a pixel font, it is best displayed at a font-size of 16. Fontstruct is brought to you by FontShop. Visit us at FontShop is the original independent font retailer. We’ve been around since the dawn of digital type. Whether you need the right font or need to create the right font from scratch, let our 18 years of experience work for you. Fontstruct is copyright ©2009 Fontshop FSI and Rob Meek Fontstruct was created for FontShop International by Rob Meek ( LEGAL NOTICE: In using this font you must comply with the licensing terms described in the file “license.txt” included with this archive. If you redistribute the font file in this archive, it must be accompanied by all the other files from this archive, including this one.

I used FontStruct to build this font. Please visit my page on the site to check for any updates on my fonts: Thank you for downloading my font. In this ZIP File, there should be a True-Type-Font file, this readme-txt file, a readme-txt file from, and a license-txt file from Here is a summary of the license you must abide to use this font (taken from Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike "This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon [this] work non-commercially, as long as they credit [the original creator] and license their new creations under the identical terms. All new work based on [this] will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also be non-commercial in nature." The True-Type-Font is: MMBNThin ========NOTE======== ------MMBNThin------ The thin font in the Megaman:BN games used in conversations. Every letter from the Latin alphabet (A-Z) uppercase and lowercase, and all numbers (0-9) are available. For special characters: : (colon): : (colon) & (ampersand): & (ampersand) ' (apostrophe): ' (apostrophe) = (equal sign): = (equal sign) - (hyphen-minus): - (hyphen-minus) ! (exclamation mark): ! (exclamation mark) / (solidus): / (solidus) + (plus sign): + (plus sign) * (asterisk): * (asterisk) (special A inside an oval): @ (commercial art) To render this font in the same size as it is in the video game (so that it doesn't get distorted), make sure it is in these sizes (or any multiple of these sizes): -Internet (default): 1em, 16px, 12pt, 100% -Paint: 10 (whatever the unit is in Paint) -GIMP (and probably Photoshop, although I'm not sure): 16.0pt, 16px You are free to edit and use this as long as you give credit to me, and do not claim as your own. --------------------

MMBNThin Regular Regular
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("") format("woff"),
    url("") format("opentype"),
    url("") format("truetype");