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Pancakes and Whipcream font

Limitless Company
If you would like to use this font for commercial use such as website
use, anything to do with the internet, promoting your company, or if
you want to use it to make someone something like a banner please
contact us on purchasing the license for this font. You can contact us on skype: limitlesscompany

Thank you for your download! I hope you enjoy this font I created! I hopefully will start producing more fonts soon! Thanks again, Mackenzie READ THIS: (**If you would like to use this font for commercial use such as website use, anything to do with the internet, promoting your company, or if you want to use it to make someone something like a banner please contact us on purchasing the license for this font. You can **) Contact us on skype: limitlesscompany Check out our website for other great things like social media icons and banners!

Pancakes and Whipcream Regular
<style type="text/css">
    src:url(" and Whipcream.ttf") format("woff"),
    url(" and Whipcream.ttf") format("opentype"),
    url(" and Whipcream.ttf") format("truetype");