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Rounded Informal font

James Fordyce
The Rounded Informal font is a display font with rounded characters like the VAG Rounded font. However, Rounded Informal has very few straight lines, has narrower characters, and is more flamboyant than tubular. The font contains upper and lower case alphabet, punctuation, and numbers. It displays best at sizes of 18 points or more. [Note from Fontologist: This is a turn-of-the-century(1900) style font of the sort that was revived in the 1960's, so it could be considered either "art nouveau" or "hippy era".]
Rounded Informal Normal
<style type="text/css">
    src:url(" Informal.ttf") format("woff"),
    url(" Informal.ttf") format("opentype"),
    url(" Informal.ttf") format("truetype");