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Smiles font

Boogie Jack

This true type font was created and copyrighted by Boogie Jack. It is free to use for non-commercial purposes. For commercial use please contact me. Contact info below. Please visit my web site for more free fonts, free web graphics, html and graphics tutorials, contests and other fun and useful stuff! All original content. This font is distributed as Visit-ware. If you use it, you should visit my site. ( It is distributed in an "as is" basis. You assume responsibility for any problems in the unlikely event one occurs. This font may be redistrubuted via the internet (as in font archive type sites) on the following conditions: 1. This read me file remains with the font. 2. It must be offered free of charge. 3. You may not link directly to the zip file on my site. If you include it in your archive upload the zip to your own server space. 4. You notify me which fonts you are using on your site, and include your url. 5. (not required, but...) If you credit the font to Boogie Jack and put a link to me on your site I'll notify you when I've added new fonts. We can help each other grow in this way. This font may not be redistributed as part compilation of fonts on CD-rom, zip file, floppy disk or other forms of media without prior written permission. Questions and comments can be sent to Boogie Jack at: [email protected] Boogie Jack PO Box 603 Plover, WI 54467 copyright

Smiles Regular
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("") format("woff"),
    url("") format("opentype"),
    url("") format("truetype");