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OVERVIEW "Stefanit" is a decorative font based on a subset of fancy scribal writing in "Stefanit i Ixnilat", part of a 14th century Bulgarian manuscript. It is named for one of the two main characters in the stories. CHARACTER DETAILS The scribal handwriting in "Stefanit i Ixnilat" is fairly nondescript, with the exception of one page marked by a few letters (z, t, f, back jer, jat) written much larger and more elaborately. These larger characters are not consistently used, but seem to be more in accordance with the scribe's aesthetic view of the text as he was writing. Any characters not present in the manuscript, including Latin characters and punctuation, have been adapted from the Cyrillic as needed. ABOUT THE MANUSCRIPT "Stefanit i Ixnilat" is a collection of fables with an unusual history, somewhat similar to that of the tale of Barlaam and Josephat. These fables originated in India, as part of the Sanskrit "Panchatantra", and were then translated into Pehlevi, and then into Arabic. Upon translation into Arabic, the tale underwent a significant restructuring to assimilate it to a different religious and cultural content. After this, it was translated into Greek, and from Greek to Slavic. The origin of the scanned character images is a photocopy of the manuscript by Svetlina Nikolova. (Nikolova, Svetlina. 1996. Stefanit i Ikhnilat : starob?lgarska prevodna povest ot XIII vek.) CREDIT The font was designed in 2006 by Quinn Anya Carey, with the support of Daniela S. Hristova. The character image scans are from a photocopy made by Svetlina Nikolova. The information about the "Stefanit i Ixnilat" manuscript was written by Andy Dombrowski. COPYRIGHT "Stefanit" is copyrighted Quinn Anya Carey & Daniela S. Hristova, 2006, using the Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike ( You are free to copy, distribute, and display this font, and make derivative fonts. Under the following conditions: -You must attribute the font to Quinn Anya Carey, where appropriate -You may not use this font for commercial purposes, without contacting the creator first (contact info at -If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute it only under the same conditions (i.e., you may not sell a derivative font, or place restrictions on its distribution or derivation) Contact Quinn Anya Carey ( with any questions.

Stefanit Regular
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