Sauce Freeware Licence 1. This font is free for personal and commercial use. 2. No part of the font or its code may be passed on in any case. Instead, you are welcome to pass on the download address, which is 3. The font may be modified to suit design or system requirements strictly for your own (personal or commercial) use. You may not sell or distrubute it thereafter. 4. Embedding (in PDF's, Flash files and programs) is allowed. 5. Using this font for a @font-face declaration is allowed, but only if a readable link to my homepage is put on every page where this font is used. This link may be the size of a regular copyright notice. 5. This font may not be distributed or sold online nor on any media- without my writen permission 6. This font is and remains (even when modified) the intellectual property of Bruno Herfst. 7. Sauce (Bruno Herfst) is not liable for any damage resulting from the use of this font.