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V5 Loxica Robusta font

Copyright 2000 |||

V5 Loxica --------------- Instructions: ++ Loxica (LIXERA) ++ For screen use, set at 16pt. Turn antialiasing off. Set tracking to zero for best results. ++ Loxica (ROBUSTA) ++ For screen use, set at 18pt. Turn antialiasing off. Set tracking to zero for best results. Notes: 1. These faces do not contain any hinting information since they were built for use at the sizes listed above. Naturally, for print use you are free to experiment. 2. Although the intended size for _lixera_ is 16pt (vs. 18pt for _robusta_), they share the same optical size (where lixera is the regular weight, and robusta is the bold). 3. Pronounciation: "lo-hee-ka lee-he-ra", and "lo-hee-ka ro-bus-ta." --------------- Usage: This is a free font--you may use this and other V5 fonts at will. It may not be sold, altered, or improperly credited, however. All I ask is that you kindly inform me if you find this font useful, and where you've used it. Enjoy,

V5 Loxica Robusta Robusta
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("") format("woff"),
    url("") format("opentype"),
    url("") format("truetype");