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You are my Princess~ font

Phantomhive Company - E-mail: [email protected]
bleghhhhhhh, I've been crying all day cuz of these awesome yet sad vocaloid songs..... TT^TT **crys some more**

The songs are (and watch them in order, the last 2 you can watch in any order, just the first 3 first need to be watched!):
Aku no Musume (daughter of evil)
Aku no Meshitsukai (servant of evil)
Yowane Haku (daughter of white)
Message of Regret (though, "Regret Message" will get you better results when you search)

now go cry like I did/am doing... **bursts into tears, no seriously I did**
when you watch servant of evil you'll know where I was "inspired" to make this font

*about the songs: I don't know, they're all linked around the same story, you'll understand when you watch them all
You are my Princess~ Regular
<style type="text/css">
    src:url(" are my Princess~.ttf") format("woff"),
    url(" are my Princess~.ttf") format("opentype"),
    url(" are my Princess~.ttf") format("truetype");